November 29, 2009

support el presidente

even if obama is kenyan and dithers on healthcare and sending troops to the middle east, that is no reason not to support our commander in chief. thank you man in bryant park for reminding us all of this, in a most colorful way.

November 25, 2009

reason #40979 why mtv is amazing

some call us the mtv generation. indeed, i grew up watching beavis and butthead and real world season 1 behind my parents' backs. i used to love watching music videos after school (pre-youtube this was our only chance at learning the hottest moves i would mimic at the catholic school dance to make the nuns go loca).

but since music television stopped playing music, real real world castmates were replaced by moronic anorexic barbies, and let's face it, it just lost it's cool (the hills? really?), i stopped watching mtv.

however, i am proud to say i will be back as of december 3rd. word is out about the new show, jersey shore. mtv has caught the "reality" jersey bug, even though bravo has been there done that with the real housewives. after that table clip, how could there not be another one.

jersey shore is apparently about the "hottest, tannest, crazies Guidos" living in a house at the Jersey shore, and judging from the promo and trailer, it's gonna be a doozy. GET READY FOR A WHOLE NEW CRAZY.

they keep their hair high, their muscles juicy, and their fists pumping all summer long. so don't be a hater, and join me thursdays for what is bound to be endless entertainment so close to home.

November 23, 2009

welcome to the modern world.

dear world,

it is who we are
we have no mercy
and we don't play guitar
for one of us brooklyn is far
but that shit don't mean we ain't livin' the dream
whether we iz in joisey or our @$$ iz in queenz
because different boroughs meanz different perspectiz 2 b seen
you know what i mean?

we are deeper than a scar
this shit is the #1 site in the d.r.
we best b ur first google hit

i can't tell you enough
that we are totes off the cuff
we rock this world
call our name

recognize, bitch.

November 20, 2009

empire state of mind

to all of you not in new york, i'm sorry for you.

and to those of you that are, i'm sorry for you too.

November 19, 2009

le beaujolais nouveau est arrive

it's been such a long year since the last.
although we'll be celebrating with a touch of melancholic nostalgia because we are not in paris where our hearts lie, you can find us here tonight if you want to buy us a glass and ponder whether this year's vintage has a hint of cherries or sandalwood.

it's no paris, but it'll have to do. comme c'est triste la vie.

November 17, 2009

mid-november mash-up

it's been awhile since we've updated you on world events and holidays, so in the spirit of the upcoming ones in our own beloved nation, turkey daaay, here's lookin' at what the rest of the world is up to for the day...

Electronic Greeting Card Day
Homemade Bread Day
World Peace Day
Take a Hike Day

and the rest of the month...

Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week: 15-21
Farm-City Week: 20-26
Bible Week: 22-29
Family Week: 22-28
Game & Puzzle Week: 22-28
Teens Don't Text and Drive Week: 22-28
Better Conversation Week: 23-29
Church/State Separation Week: 24-30

so if you're not in to stuffing your face with turkey and singing kumbaya at your family's politically incorrect indians v. pilgrims dress up party, hopefully these other ideas will keep you busy. personally, i already have things lined up for game and puzzle week...

and just in case you're really bored, some random highlights from november monthly observances...

Adoption Month AIDS Awareness Month Alzheimer's Disease Month Aviation History Month Child Safety Protection Month Diabetes Month Diabetic Eye Disease Month Epilepsy Awareness Month Family Stories Month Family Caregivers Month Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month Good Nutrition Month Home Care & Hospice Month Hunger Awareness Month Impotency Month Inspirational Role Models Month International Drum Month Life Writing Month Long-term Care Awareness Month Lung Cancer Awareness Month
MADD's Tie One On For Safety Holiday Campaign Military Family Appreciation Month Model Railroad Month Moustache Month NoSHAVEmber(Beard Month) Novel Writing Month Peanut Butter Lovers Month Pet Cancer Awareness Month Pomegranate Month Prematurity Awareness Month Real Jewelry Month Red Ribbon Month Roasting Month Scholarship Month Slaughter Month Sleep Comfort Month Stamp Collecting Month Sweet Potato Awareness Month Vegan Month

(i'm not sure how some of these are celebrated, but feel free to share your stories if you know...particularly the ones i've highlighted above)

November 9, 2009

bring back sal

as i hope you all know, last night was the season 3 finale of mad men, sniff sniff (wtf am i supposed to do on sunday nights?). at least we still have monday nights of gossip girl OMFG tonight is the 3some episode i hope you are involved chuckles bass.

NEWAYZ, other than being mad at mad men for leaving me hanging until july, i am pretty pissed that sal is gone. you better bring him back sterling-cooper-draper-price, it was just getting mcgaysteamy! but at least you came to your senses and wrote joan the beast back in.

a few fave moments from the season:
-joan being a fierce beast 24/7
-that british guy's foot getting cut off by a john deere in the office
-everyone's affairs
-jane's fur outifts
-sal finally hooking up with a man (and calling his wife from a payphone in the village with some sketchy characters behind him)
-betty's italian and skyhigh hair do in rome
-dramizzle as usual, why was i not born in that era to wear all those dresses?
-and as a bonus, in episode 12 i saw sterling drinking from the same glass i own, holla!

so, see you in season 4. i expect you to be fiercer than ever and get peggy a hot love interest for gods sake, what is up with campbell and duck? ew.

in the mean time, i will have to "mad men myself" for the next 9 months. a few examples so far...

November 5, 2009

November 4, 2009

totally looks like: german edition

first of all, happy november! welcome seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and pitch blackness by 5 pm. we will do our best to keep you entertained while you're drinking your mulled wine wrapped in a cheetah snuggie for the next 4 months (oh wait, that may just be me).

thank you to jamie for bringing this to all of our attention. in the spirit of one of my favorite time wasting websites, we bring you one of our own.

kyle totally looks like german fussballer philipp lahm (doing the signature kyle move no less- and they are both in deutschland- kosmik konnekshun?).

some chinglish in kyle's photo as a little bonus.