March 17, 2009

i do not like green eggs and ham

is it just me or is everyone in nyc way too excited about st. patty's day this year? a holiday to drown your sorrows in copious amounts of green alcohol in a time of economic downturn? makes no sense to me. come on new yorkers! i thought you were better than that: green mardi gras beads, green felt hats, green shirts that say kiss me i'm a leprechaun (btw you're not)? i blame my peeps aka the irish. a little taste of what we'll all be eating if we go back to the potato famine days of yore. erin go bragh!


  1. I'm with you, but I have to be stealth about any ba-humbugging it or I'll get sent back to CA.

    My parents actually made green eggs and ham when I was really little and it totally freaked me out. Ironic because at the moment it really sounds like something I would devour.

  2. are you in boston now?

    cait, ps. amazing timing by posting at 11:11.

    make a wish.

    i just wished i hadn't already eaten my chocolate tablerone.
