second of all, happy staycation.
even though we are such world travelers, sometimes staying in nyc for a 3 day weekend is the thing to do. while there were many activities done (see drunk brunch, bronx zoo, free hot dogs, naked cowboy) by far the best day spent was among friends at dia: beacon.
someone (i want to have US with you SF), planned a lovely day taking advantage of the metro north deals up the hudson. $27.50 got you a round trip train ticket, entrance to the museum and endless giggles with friends. there was also sunshine, mozzarella balls and ducklings. not a bad deal considering that money could be spent on a mediocre lunch in the city (which probably wouldnt include lounging on an oversized couch with the "gang" and breaking into nostalgic songs).
oh, and the art was fun. we highly recommend.
to be balanced, the cons:
-a fart smell (although that's just cause someone was gassy- read too many mozzarella balls/cajun mix)
-rexi hipsters from the city with the same idea
-NO PHOTOGRAPHY, DIA HOW DARE YOU? we brought our cameras and were looking fierce and you had so much open space and bright art IT IS A CRIME TO NOT LET US REVEAL THE FULL POTENTIAL OF OUR FIERCENESS FOR THE WORLD TO SEE
photo: maytal + cajun mix + the hudson river + youthbeautylove
the fart smell is unsubstantiated hearsay