December 29, 2009
December 20, 2009
December 1, 2009
November 29, 2009
support el presidente
November 25, 2009
reason #40979 why mtv is amazing
but since music television stopped playing music, real real world castmates were replaced by moronic anorexic barbies, and let's face it, it just lost it's cool (the hills? really?), i stopped watching mtv.
however, i am proud to say i will be back as of december 3rd. word is out about the new show, jersey shore. mtv has caught the "reality" jersey bug, even though bravo has been there done that with the real housewives. after that table clip, how could there not be another one.
jersey shore is apparently about the "hottest, tannest, crazies Guidos" living in a house at the Jersey shore, and judging from the promo and trailer, it's gonna be a doozy. GET READY FOR A WHOLE NEW CRAZY.
November 23, 2009
welcome to the modern world.
it is who we are
we have no mercy
and we don't play guitar
for one of us brooklyn is far
but that shit don't mean we ain't livin' the dream
whether we iz in joisey or our @$$ iz in queenz
because different boroughs meanz different perspectiz 2 b seen
you know what i mean?
we are deeper than a scar
this shit is the #1 site in the d.r.
we best b ur first google hit
i can't tell you enough
that we are totes off the cuff
we rock this world
call our name
recognize, bitch.
November 20, 2009
empire state of mind
and to those of you that are, i'm sorry for you too.
November 19, 2009
le beaujolais nouveau est arrive

it's been such a long year since the last.
although we'll be celebrating with a touch of melancholic nostalgia because we are not in paris where our hearts lie, you can find us here tonight if you want to buy us a glass and ponder whether this year's vintage has a hint of cherries or sandalwood.
it's no paris, but it'll have to do. comme c'est triste la vie.
November 17, 2009
mid-november mash-up
Electronic Greeting Card Day
Homemade Bread Day
World Peace Day
Take a Hike Day
and the rest of the month...
Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week: 15-21
Farm-City Week: 20-26
Bible Week: 22-29
Family Week: 22-28
Game & Puzzle Week: 22-28
Teens Don't Text and Drive Week: 22-28
Better Conversation Week: 23-29
Church/State Separation Week: 24-30
so if you're not in to stuffing your face with turkey and singing kumbaya at your family's politically incorrect indians v. pilgrims dress up party, hopefully these other ideas will keep you busy. personally, i already have things lined up for game and puzzle week...

and just in case you're really bored, some random highlights from november monthly observances...
Adoption Month AIDS Awareness Month Alzheimer's Disease Month Aviation History Month Child Safety Protection Month Diabetes Month Diabetic Eye Disease Month Epilepsy Awareness Month Family Stories Month Family Caregivers Month Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month Good Nutrition Month Home Care & Hospice Month Hunger Awareness Month Impotency Month Inspirational Role Models Month International Drum Month Life Writing Month Long-term Care Awareness Month Lung Cancer Awareness Month
MADD's Tie One On For Safety Holiday Campaign Military Family Appreciation Month Model Railroad Month Moustache Month NoSHAVEmber(Beard Month) Novel Writing Month Peanut Butter Lovers Month Pet Cancer Awareness Month Pomegranate Month Prematurity Awareness Month Real Jewelry Month Red Ribbon Month Roasting Month Scholarship Month Slaughter Month Sleep Comfort Month Stamp Collecting Month Sweet Potato Awareness Month Vegan Month
(i'm not sure how some of these are celebrated, but feel free to share your stories if you know...particularly the ones i've highlighted above)
November 9, 2009
bring back sal
NEWAYZ, other than being mad at mad men for leaving me hanging until july, i am pretty pissed that sal is gone. you better bring him back sterling-cooper-draper-price, it was just getting mcgaysteamy! but at least you came to your senses and wrote joan the beast back in.
a few fave moments from the season:
-joan being a fierce beast 24/7
-that british guy's foot getting cut off by a john deere in the office
-everyone's affairs
-jane's fur outifts
-sal finally hooking up with a man (and calling his wife from a payphone in the village with some sketchy characters behind him)
-betty's italian and skyhigh hair do in rome
-dramizzle as usual, why was i not born in that era to wear all those dresses?
-and as a bonus, in episode 12 i saw sterling drinking from the same glass i own, holla!
so, see you in season 4. i expect you to be fiercer than ever and get peggy a hot love interest for gods sake, what is up with campbell and duck? ew.
in the mean time, i will have to "mad men myself" for the next 9 months. a few examples so far...

November 5, 2009
November 4, 2009
totally looks like: german edition
thank you to jamie for bringing this to all of our attention. in the spirit of one of my favorite time wasting websites, we bring you one of our own.
kyle totally looks like german fussballer philipp lahm (doing the signature kyle move no less- and they are both in deutschland- kosmik konnekshun?).

some chinglish in kyle's photo as a little bonus.
October 27, 2009
argentina, you fill me already.
in honor of my third (tercero) visit (visita) to (a) one of the finest eating establishments in brooklyn, i decided to write a short poem to xxxpress my love. el almacen, you have charmed your way through my stomach everytime.
you are my zen
i've come here three times
once on a weekend
your aji relleno bring me back again
you are mildly over priced
as your enchiladas don't come with rice
though i love the julia malbec
with it's after kicking spice
el almacen
i shall try visit you more often
when i'm no longer vegan.
in contrast penquena's black bean soup that gave me an uncomfortable feeling for 24 hours, i would say el almacen is the place for latin flavored specialties. particularly when mama nelson is buying the sangria.
October 22, 2009
a family portrait drawn when you were four.

as you can imagine with cait's flight to the south and my terrible return to this side of the atlantic, a few photo shoots have taken place over the past couple weeks. this was captured from the picnic spot beside the restaurant that was too fancy for coffee, but before pursuing two bottles of prosecco and a $23 pizza. eat your heart out, dominoes.
it's entitled "can you somersault into the valley?"
you might want to listen to this.
October 16, 2009
beautiful memories
and don't try to call, there's no phone reception. there WILL be lots of wine, bbq and sun.
enjoy the early onset ny winter.
ps. just cause it's friday: a winning image from a recent trip to pittsburgh for the g20. i believe this was one of the delegate's rides. i fully support the teal totes obvi.
October 11, 2009
sassy bassey
for your sunday listening pleasure, some tunes to enjoy whether you're waiting for the mta delays or drinking champagne.
October 9, 2009
you're screaming, and cursing, and angry, and hurting me, and then smiling, and crying, apologizing.

caitlin asked if we could take the kanye hater vibe off the blog as it's clearly a little dated (that is so three weeks ago). to bring this back to recent times in brooklyn, let's check up with the best new music to come out of new york's finest borough: the antlers.
it is understatement to say their sophomore pursuit, hospice, is incredible. a concept album based off the semi-autobiographical experiences of the band's lead singer, peter silberman, tells the story of a man battling a loved one who's battling cancer. considering the record's title, we know she won't make it through the last track.
there are so many falsettos in music these days, so many artists who creep into social isolation and break out with thoughtful work, so many records with the "indie rock" stamp, yet hospice hits a different chord. silberman's words are haunting -- it's all in the details of the story and the honest emotion that takes this album to another place. in "epilogue" he sings:
In a nightmare, I am falling from the ceiling into bed beside you.
You're asleep, I'm screaming, shoving you to try to wake you up.
And like before, you've got no interest in the life you live when you're awake.
Your dreams still follow storylines, like fictions you would make.
So I lie down against your back, until we're both back in the hospital.
But now it's not a cancer ward, we're sleeping in the morgue.
Men and women in blue and white, they are singing all around you,
with heavy shovels holding earth.
You're being buried to you neck.
In that hospital bed, being buried quite alive now.
I'm trying to dig you out but all you want is to be buried there together.
the lyrics could easily be read as prose, which almost seems his intention considering the structure of the album booklet. to accompany the weight of his grief is a voice that simultaneously conveys sadness, anger, and hope.
the impossible task of even penetrating emotions surrounding loss, disease, and watching a loved one die somehow comes together beautifully in hospice. it may leave you feeling shittier than before you gave it a listen, but to feel so much can be beautiful in itself.
my favorite song from the album, "two"
September 16, 2009
hitting and stealing.

okayokayokay, enough already!
OBAMA HAS SPOKEN: dear kanye west, you're a jackass.
i was entertained/mildly appalled by senor west's behavior this past sunday at the video music awards and thought he got the condemnation he deserved. regardless of levels of intoxication or ego inflation, the man is an attention whore in addition to being an idiot. as an avid follower of the celebrity/intellectually stimulating blog "oh no they didn't," i've been constantly filtered all the media coverage surrounding the microphone stealing incident: from celebrity tweets to "the view" to jay leno to KANYE'S OWN BLOG (OMG CAPS LOCK STUCK!!111!!) to all those great memes created in the past 72 hours.
yet, in light of a mere 30 seconds that was stolen away from ms. swift, one fellow ontd fan pointed out the following: just months ago chris brown beat the shit out of rhianna; how much celebrity/media vilification went into that? obviously there was shock and some uproar when photos of rhianna's bruised face floated around the internet, but it was nothing compared to this overarching outrage kanye's receiving. you can't even put beating a woman and stealing someone's moment at an awards show in the same category, but if you had to decide which of the two was the greater offense, how is it that taylor swift's victimization outweigh rhianna's physical well-being (and obvi emotional issues since gurlfriend didn't press a single charge against his ass)? what kind of society is this where domestic abuse plays second fiddle to a country singer's acceptance speech being disrupted?
i don't know, shit just seems whack.
September 15, 2009
ode to love in these special times.
please forgive the lack of updates over the past number of years. we have been busy with our respective to marriages to tiger woods and philip seymour hoffman as well as our dietary fiber addiction. please accept our apologies.
this morning [sic] i was inspired by a skype message sent from the one and only Adu gyamfi love from ghana (land of endless marriage proposals, but no ice to back it up).
adu writes:
Good morning!...I am Adu gyamfi love from Ghana in the western part of Africa .And new here searching for friends and i just saw you online and i make mind to read your profile and it was nice profile. It was so overwhelmed me to mail you for ask for friendship .I know that true friend is someone who makes u have the total freedom of your Life and there will be many people who will walk in and out in your Life but only the love ones will leave with footprint...Thank you very much , and hoping to hear from you soon . i sincerely apologize if this note offends your good moral justice and ethics.
this charming and emotive message made what was a rainy morning full of agitation towards new york city disappear into warm thoughts of friendship. in addition to this, his note also reminded me of the greatest love letter i have ever received from a man named david. david was hanging out in the purses section of macy's two years ago and wooed me by crying out "nice boots!" we exchanged words for 20 minutes and then parted ways. david is an equally interesting writer and full of life.
david wrote:
Hi Kelsy,Hi , this is David, I met u in Macys dept. store a few days ago. Thank u for giving me advice of what birthday gift i should buy my married friend. I studied advertising design. I started a design company, but have not made any money with the company yet. I have a business partner in N.Y. My company name is Sciensun Inc. I designed 2 practical products and hope to sell them in tens of thousands of stores accross america. If they are successful i will sell them in all of Asia , Europe and USA and Latin America. I have more products on the drawing board for the future. I was born and raised in NY. I live in Elmhurst Queens now. Do u Have brothers and sisters ? I love dogs. I will definately buy a Golden Retriever or a German Shepherd puppy in the future. Do u have pets ? Do u like animals ? I like dolphins also and horses and girraffes, lions, tigers and salt water aquarium hobby. I paid to swim with a dolphin 4 years ago in Florida. They gave me a crippled dolphin , it swam with a limp fin. The dolphin had a fin cast on. I would like to try bull riding as a challenge to myself. I want to see if i can stay on the bull for more than 8 seconds. Bull riding is in Texas. What fun activities do u enjoy doing ? I like cafes/lounges, amusement parks, bowling, play pool, motorboating. I don't have internet in my house. I would like to take u out next week and talk to get to know each other more. I don't have internet in my house. I use the library computer 1 time a week.
Please call me (347)730-xxxx or e-mail me.
August 16, 2009
third time's a charm: (mAD men)
the moment we've all been waiting for has arrived: tonight is the premiere of season 3! set in 60's nyc, mad men does everything right- acting, wardrobe, nostalgia, product placement, humor, ferocity.
it may be called mad men, but i'm normally more taken with the women. these beasts do not get any fiercer. if only i could time travel...

ps- if you're in the new york area and not having your own party (which you're obvi not cause i wasn't invited), they are playing it in times square. if you're even cooler, head down to the roosevelt hotel for a cocktail premiere party/60s costume contest for the best "skirt and suit."
August 12, 2009
feminism our moms could be proud of
a nice man picked up and told me all about this alumni book coming out and proceeded to ask about my upated contact info, address, job, etc. then this:
him: oh, i see you've been out for about 6 years now.
me: oh wow, that seems like a long time.
him: so, have you changed your name? what are your husband and children's names?
me: oof, don't have any of those.
him: oh, i see.
what i SHOULD'VE said: my husband's name is prince william and i am now the duchess of wales. my children's names are maddox, shiloh, bronx, suri and apple.
listen, i got a great education from a school that touted itself as a place for girls to become independent, intelligent women. apparently in this man's eyes i am considered a FAIL because unlike a nice portion of my classmates i am not married and knocked up by one year after college.
apparently all that bra burning of my mother's generation didn't really work. instead, we have the horrors of promise rings (ugh) and 16 & pregnant, which has made some TPT into pseudo-reality-celebutards. (at least the one named catelynn (not the traditional gaelic spelling) had the sense to give hers up for adoption.)
i guess they got the last laugh though, he conned me into donating $70.
but it's all good, i'll take abother $70 and buy myself some champagne in celebration of the fact that i'm not pregnant!
August 7, 2009
spam: the ways it can get you going.
case 1:
Even the shyest girls like it thick and long.
answer: FALSE. men, you are also expected to groom down there so please don't think it's okay to just let yourself go.
case 2:
one wife is not enough
answer: TRUE. if you think otherwise, clearly the magic of "big love" has not come to your cable provider.
case 3:
do you want to be the only lover for your wife?
answer: men, this will NEVER be possible. we will always picture shaquil o'neal during moments of high sexual passion. always.
case 4:
Muddy pawprint indicates dog shot and killed his owner
answer: obvilicious.
case 5:
Your life sucks, use our 55% OFF on all our products
answer: TRUE. your life probably does suck, though 55 percent off all their products isn't going to help (oof unless this is an ad for anthropologie, in which case your life probably will get better/you will still be impoverished).
case 6:
It is not necessary to be ashamed of yourself
answer: FALSE.
case 7:
Women like when they are surrendered by a man with big member.
answer: mostly TRUE.
case 8:
Women always accept invitations to bed from hung men.
answer: for me, this is ALWAYS TRUE. different strokes for different folks, so we can't give a generalization here.
case 9:
Women are staring at you because they know what power you've got.
answer: FALSE. they're normally contemplating how to get you to buy them a drink and which one of your friends is more attractive.
case 10:
Even if you are a cleaning-lady you can afford a Submariner SS watch.
answer: I'M NOT SURE. what's a submariner ss watch?
August 6, 2009
panic in central park.
my friends, on july 13th that sense of freedom was taken away from us.
yes, it's true, thoth was arrested in central park for a public disturbance. a statement released by thoth illustrates his pain and how senseless this is:
"Today, I had my feelings hurt, because as much love and goodness as I have given to the park (the many uncounted times I have cleaned up dog poop in the tunnel while cleaning men passed by), they still do not respect the gift of my being there. How could they sanction the arrest of me and Pink Angel? We still have the handcuff burns on our wrists. Who are the real BUMS? "
for any of you who want to join, we will be attending the public hearing for thoth's immediate right to return to performing in the park.
August 5, 2009
barackin obamacake

sorry our posts have been so infrequent, happy august!
we've just been so busy shooting hoops with obama at camp david to celebrate his b-day yesterday. feliz cumples o-town!
we even made him this cake to show our love.
also, just in case you want to keep up with mr. jetset amerika, you can check out his official flickr photostream (michelle and her guns sometimes featured as well).
July 30, 2009
viva las vegas
top 10 memories of a girls' weekend in the desert:
1. all you can drink complimentary champagne as long as you sit by a slot machine or table
2. wearing my prom dress out on the town like it was any other day
3. wearing said prom dress with friends also dressed like hoochies (the classiest ones!) and learning to play craps with lots of men in the middle of the night and making friends with the dealers and rolling the dice while getting called shooter and winning $200 (way to go annie!)
4. spending 2 days at a very expensive spa - totes worth it
5. running around said spa naked and free since it is *~*ladies only*~*
6. watching naked french canadians fulfill all of our wildest festishes in zumanity
7. a 4-foot long hot pink inflatable penis
8. taking said penis into our bubble bath party in a ridiculously large bathtub (while drinking out of penis straws, obvi)
9. getting $200 comped to our rooms when our sassy accountant complained several times that the rooms were dirty (age, you are my heroine)
10. laughing hysterically for 4 days, making fun of everything/everyone, feeling like we were in high school again (in the good way)
i think this photo encapsulates the sentiment of the trip...

July 29, 2009
o hai movie: (500) days of summer.

not to spoil the film, but the leading characters don't end up together. oof, 'tis a shame for tom (jospeh gordon-levitt) because summer (zooey deschanel) is a fox with fierce street style. newayz, the fact that they split is totes obvilicious -- isn't that the story of 99.9 percent of relationships? for this reason, the movie in many ways isn't about their break up, but rather the reckless road of heartbreak that results in a more mature understanding of love.
i guess i particularly love this film because it doesn't pretend to answer questions that often don't have explanations. why do we meet certain people? why do we fall in and out of love with them? why are we vulnerable in some relationships and throw up walls in other? how can you love and still be unsure? and why is it that when you know, you just know? not to get all "deep thoughts with jack handy" on you, it's simply that the (500) poses a lot of questions about fate, coincidence, indecision, expectation, and certainty in feeling that many movies about relationships don't push. on top of that, it's beautifully filmed + has a post-"i just" dance sequence for the ages.
without saying more, "(500) days of summer" is certainly worth the $12.50 ticket (or whatever cheap ass price all you non-new yorkers are paying). for those of you who can relate to the characters you probably won't find any clarity in the story considering relationships and breakups always fall into a messy gray area. perhaps that's why this movie works so well -- it's about how we get to where we need to be rather than how we neatly end up.
July 22, 2009
100 posts of fierceness
in fact, we have a confession to make. on this, our 100th post, we have to tell you that 50% of us has moved to a villa in the 6th borough, the land of non-stop dream vacations and fresh squeezed orange juice. (we are no longer a brooklyn-only operation, for this we apologize.)
apparently it is also the land of the $15 pedicure which i discovered last night and fully support. the neon sign of "design nails" or whatever generic name it was brought me in from the rain. i got to sit on tattered chairs, listen to the harmony of yelling voices in an unidentifiable southeast asian language and look at my pedicurist's amazing sense of style (read: knock-off ed hardy-esque wife beater laced down the middle-gut included-plastic flip flops with a bow and hot pink striped toe nails that she painted herself, and a faded swastika tattoo that looked homemade/prisonmade.) all in all, the pedicure was great and out of 100 colors to choose from, 30 were neon. needless to say, i'll be going back.
July 16, 2009
mon petit paris
my little paris - their motto i fully agree with. paris is not just a city, it's an attitude. oui madame.
you can sign up for their free weekly newsletter to satiate the francophile inside you (in english or fracais bien sur). oh, and unlike goop they have a sense of humor.
their little illustrations and free e-cards are oh so cute (wink wink i better have one in my inbox soon).
this week's article: chocolate ogasm. who could disagree?
July 14, 2009
too depressed for words...
July 13, 2009
as you all should know, france/paris/french men hold a special place in our hearts. so while it is summer and we can wear our striped t-shirts, let us all join in celebration of a truly amazing land.
without further ado, we present a love poem to france.
i love the cheese and sunny breeze
i love le soleil and les musees
j'aime la musique et la nourriture fantasique
i love les boulevards and the small cars
i love les parques and little dogs that bark
j'aime les eglises pas la mise
i love la france et toute la chance, viens danse!
PS: sneak preview of my bastille day outfit tomorrow!

July 12, 2009
July 9, 2009
reason #5364 nyc is bizarre.
the women's bathroom at work is a particularly good place the begin. while women talking on the phone as the person next to them shits is somewhat disturbing, this isn't exactly an experience only new yorkers are privy to. these others, however, are ones that those inhabiting the island feel is okay and normal to do in communal restrooms:
a.) men using women's bathrooms
b.) dye one's hair in the sink
c.) smoke marijuana
d.) shave one's legs in the sink where others put their dishes
f.) hold meetings
g.) sing opera
h.) cry like a small child
while some of these are less weird than others, it just shows how much entitlement this city can really breed (speaking of which, see the goop post below).
To the hipster girls from Williamsburg. For whatever reason I find it difficult to initiate a conversation with you guys. But all I want to say is that I think you gals are beautiful and attractive and I love the way you guys dress.
July 8, 2009
there are so many words for this moment.
July 7, 2009
a sticky wet viscous substance
dear GooP,
you seem to have gotten a lot of flack for your new "lifestyle" website/newsletter/
first of all, your website is called goop, it rhymes with poop. (i get that it's your initials but come on.)
secondly, 99.9% of the world cannot relate to what you're saying. you came from a place of extreme privilege AND you want to tell us why you're the best? that makes people resent/hate/disregard you. i recommend a bite of some vegan humble pie to go with your vegan lunch.
it does seem like you're trying to offer good advice and on some things i really agree with you, but do you have to be so obnoxious and pretentious about it? i think it comes down to the fact that you are completely out of touch with, well, about everything. you grew up in nyc/la with rich/famous parents, were handed everything on a silver spoon and you still bash america? why do you think people are annoyed by you?
let's look at a few examples to help illustrate our point.
1. GO new york. your recommendations (for all cities in fact) are all 5 star restaurants/hotels/owned by mario batali. was it part of your "spain...on the road again" contract to name drop him? we are new yorkers, and we say you are out of touch.
fave quote: "The Bowery has been one of my homes-away-from-home in the last year. It is a very cool spot, with the people to match. As it is located on Bowery I wouldn't recommend it to the Park Avenue set, but my English rock star friends can’t get enough of it."
2. MAKE food. you went on the trip of a lifetime through spain with an amazing chef and got to learn/eat with other amazing chefs and you wont even eat meat? are you insane? how can you consider yourself an authority on food when you eat like a rabbit? your choice is fine, but don't tell us how to eat, you're missing out on the best stuff munching on vegan everything all day. you are also extremely skinny (hey, you're paid to look good) and you're telling us we should do a detox to be like you...oh my. i think you should "nourish your own inner aspect."
fave quote: "I need to lose a few pounds of holiday excess. Anyone else? I like to do fasts and detoxes a couple of times during the year, the most hardcore one being the Master Cleanse I did last spring. It was not what you would characterize as pretty. Or easy. It did work, however...He [doctor] actually thinks that the Master Cleanse can be dangerous because the liver is not supported by the nutrients it needs."
3. GET your spring wardrobe. again, these are a bit out of our price range (but props for donating proceeds to charity). at least you have a sense of humor modeling those clothes yourself for your own website (that was ironic right? or is GooP hard up for ca$h?). you also get tons of designer clothes thrown at you for free. so stfu.
fave quote: "I am going back to my day job this spring (filming a movie) and I am confronted with a few wardrobe issues...They are still selling gladiators that are almost identical to the ones I got last spring and there hasn’t been any major shift in silhouettes."
listen GooP, this is coming from a place of love. i actually like some of your movies and agree with some of your points. hey, i even cut my hair like yours in sliding doors. but try not to be so obnoxious. hopefully pointing out some of your ridiculous notions cleared things up for you, well, probably not. you know, forget what i said, just keep rubbing your amazing life in all our poor faces. poop.
July 5, 2009
July 3, 2009
the perils of pizza
a quartet out in billyburg, we were just searching for some pizza. little did we know that when we entered the pizza place (which shall remain nameless for legal purposes) we would be in "the most illegal" situation we've ever been in as one observer described.
the man working behind the counter, let's call him vinnie(?) served us a piece of pizza. here is what he did in the next 10 minutes in the restaurant (while there were customers and the door was open):
1 cigarette was smoked
1 beer was drunk
1 girl was hit on many times
1 date was offered (only food and wine, no extras)
1 joint was smoked
1 wad of cash was fanned multiple times
1 obnoxious laugh and pound were given to cronies
1 bet was made on random numbers given by us
1 father was insulted, 1 ex-wife was insulted
1 phone call was ignored
1 bag of cocaine was pulled out and snorted off 1 paper plate with 1 plastic straw
every bad stereotype was fulfilled.
i can only hope for this man that 1 continues to be his lucky number, perhaps in his jail cell.
July 2, 2009
it's been a while since you've purred this sweet surrender.
yes, yes, yes. OH YES! the narwhal art project is a forum for creative living with pieces inspired *~*exclusively*~* by narwhals. this is so sexy, unfathomable, yet simply beautiful. so those of you mildly allured by the bullshit "visit canada" ads plastered in the media, this should push you over the edge to visit our northern neighbors.
July 1, 2009
michael jackson: you made heaven a place on earth.

a little late on the goodbye to michael jackson mystery tour, *~* would like to pay homage to the king of pop. all of you in manhattan/five surrounding boroughs/trashy hos from long island can celebrate the life and times of what mj was really about: getting crunk and making mistakes (love you brit brit).
in other words, see you moonwalking on saturday at the pourhouse's michael jackson pub crawl. here you'll be able to relive the magic of his golden years, perhaps drink to the point where you think five nose jobs is a great use of your newly cashed unemployment checks, OR hook up with someone who has experienced the infamous "michael jackson: how to be both black & white" theory (aka c u there eminem).
newayz, neverland has lost a fine talent and the world has lost one of our most curious citizens.
in memoriam: currently wearing, 1 white glove, currently listening, dirty diana, currently feeling, bloated.
June 30, 2009
the abcs of the land down under.
(for the record: this post was written for my work, hence the capitalization and somewhat repetitive themes from the original *~*)
I have a special place in my heart for Latin America. After spending my first placement learning to speak *~*el espanol*~* (among other things) in Peru, I’ve felt a lingering kinship with the continent. So, when I was told I would be spending two weeks in Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgentina this June I felt the excitement of my second home all coming back to me.
In fifth grade poetic fashion, here’s my dedication to the land of dulce de leche, Che Guevara, and way too many empanadas:
A: for effort
This is the outside of P.A. Argentina. The branding was without a doubt the most impressive I’ve seen (sorry Goring by Sea!), but our design team immediately informed me the text was written in the wrong font. For all offices looking to replicate this P.A. kingdom, please use Trade Gothic and NOT Futura.
R:igorous mate drinking
Mate is a caffeinated beverage that is to Argentine’s what Dunkin’ Donuts iced lattes are to Americans. It’s a culture, perfection, lifestyle, and ultimately the drink of choice in Argentina all day, every day. Although I couldn’t get into the bitter taste regardless of how much diet sugar filled the copa, I did enjoy the communal aspect of sipping on a bombilla while relaxing in las pampas.
G:enerous portions of meat
I heard many rumors about Argentina’s vast meat selection, though nothing could prepare me for an actual meal. Normally a faux-vegetarian, I had to give in to the steak. And the pork. And the chicken. And the blood sausage. And every other type of meat whose names I don’t even remember at this point. Meat, like mate, is a religion in Argentina, so its best to leave your vegan inclinations behind (survey says no one from Williamsburg can travel here).
E:uropean flavor
Strolling down the streets of Cordoba was like being in Paris all over again. Okay, so I wouldn’t go that far, but nonetheless Argentina had a very European style. There were big streets with cobblestone and cafes and tables sprawling onto the streets. Waiters even brought carbonated water with coffee! A little slice of Europe for those of us living in the Western (aka bestern) hemisphere.
N:ight time dining
When it comes to eating dinner in Argentina, all I can say is this: by the time most of us are in bed, they’re starting to cook dinner. Get ready for 11pm meals, y’all.
T:alk Spanish to me
Argentine Spanish is a very curious variation on other versions of the language. Instead of the typical pronunciation of double l’s, y’s, or j’s, Argentine’s use a “jaaaa” sound. This doesn’t translate very well written, but believe me it’s both real and beautiful.
I: (couldn’t think of anything for this, sorry.)
N:o, it’s not summer
Contrary to popular belief, summer does not occur between June-August everywhere in the world (New York City included in that at the moment). While this seems obvious to the well-seasoned traveler, some of us forget small nuances every now and then – no mentioning of names. For the FYI, those of you traveling during the Northern Hemisphere’s summer, it will be winter in Argentina so dress warm.
A:lfajores (pls put photo of me with the alfajor over my eye)
Close your eyes.
No, open them so you can read this.
June 29, 2009
one-eyed snake
How would you rate the hardness of your erection?
(Check ONE box)
□ (0) Penis does not enlarge.
□ (1) Penis is larger but not hard.
□ (2) Penis is hard but not hard enough for penetration.
□ (3) Penis is hard enough for penetration but not completely hard.
□ (4) Penis is completely hard and fully rigid.
personally, i'm feeling like a 2.
later in the day i'm scanning a website i like, and see this gem from lewis h.:
Ronald Reagan's robe fell open in front of me and there he was naked as the day he was born.
the end.
June 28, 2009
June 26, 2009
wrap me in winehouse wisdom
pause for amazement at new low of capitalism.
up first: rehab wrapping paper.
second at bat: back to black and you know i'm no good greeting cards.
wouldn't you want to send your parents a heartfelt gift wrapped in this for their anniversay? - amy, we love you. come out with a new album soon.
June 24, 2009
it's a wonderful wednesday.

apart from the personal reasons that a one c. mccann would send such a note, this message of brought up frightening memories close to my heart:
while i want you to draw your own conclusions about both the card and video, let me just say this:
a.) writing in caps is a statement
b.) thoth is my husband
c.) there's nothing wrong with believing in either a or b.
June 18, 2009
an ode to the rain, an ode to the gain, an ode to grains of salt.

when i originally thought of doing a post this morning, i was going to do my top five least favorite things about argentina. this seemed like a negative theme whose origin i blame on the weather. thus, to brighten things up all around the world (as our visitors come from all over), i'm going to do my top five favorite reasons to come back to new york city:
while this is a reason to come back anywhere, i still feel like it should be noted. seeing the beautiful faces of your homies turf turns bittersweet goodbyes into a welcome back rager. drinking sex on 9th with said friends until you pass out on your kitchen floor makes you wonder why you ever left this place.
red mango
like an old friend, but you can sprinkle graham cracker dust all over it (not like i don't do this already with my lovers, but whatever). i've had this three times in five days and it only gets better. BETTER.
and by pride, let me clarify: boorrinnquueeennn pride. after spending 15 minutes just to cross fifth avenue as three million puetro ricans wore their flag as a cape, i couldn't help but love and hate new york at the same time. welcome back to the city of madness where people can be loud, proud, and stab in the name of whatever they damn well please any day of the week.
the freedom to free ipod cases provided by peach frog. the freedom to hop subway turnstiles. the freedom to new hair cuts by women from arkansas. the freedom to take an hour lunch break. the freedom to eat mcdonalds and not feel guilty. freedom IS free here!!!!
the subway
ode to the subway:
dearest mta,
you have not yet raised your fare
this is beautiful
and unique
you take me everywhere
i promise not to leave
until the autumn air
for now let's frolic
sip on mimosas
and love everything we share thank to you the one and only phil chan for the photo contribution. oh my chicken indeed.
June 15, 2009
visual poetry
the gist is that you put in a text/blog/website/etc. and it spits out a the words varying in color/size/fabulousness. just go see for yourself.
anyway, here is one for *~* today.
make your own and share!
on a side note, i'm getting more and more frightened/amazed by the second at the sound of the feral cats procreating/fighting. the noise is almost inhuman. blame it on the rain?
June 8, 2009
italy on my mind
let me share.
1. i live in a dominican building in an italian neighborhood complete with gelato, bakeries, boy's clubs where old italian men go to bitch about politics/their wives and homemade mozzarella. georgiana depalma tedone = fierce beast wakes up at 2 a.m. to make her own mozzarella to sell. new york times did a great piece on her <3. wish she was my nonie.
2. one of my favorite italian ice spots opened up for the summer. uncle louie g. the sight of the blue and white striped awning is heaven for me and this new spot near the graham stop on the L is the best. i talk to those old italian men forever when i go there (probably because one gentleman told me i look like grace kelly - which i obvi don't - and told me i have a beautiful name - which i do - but he hoped i wasn't one of those liberal commies!). may i suggest chocolate + lemon or rootbeer.
3. real housewives of new jersey. nuff said.
4. i had to read the new yankee candle catalog being translated into italian. a bit too much information for me and while informative and visual...i'll stop there.
5. lastly, i have to mention berlusconi. madre mia. this man is ridiculous. what are you doing italians?!?! the latest in the berlusconi circus: pictures from a journalist surfaced (after no paper in italy would buy them since berlusconi owns the country) el pais, in spain, published them. check out the article, and by article i mean click on the image of the old man with a huge boner standing over some teenage girls....WOW. he is making the divorce case too easy for his soon-to-be-ex wife.
google image search wins again. guess what turned up for italian stallion along with rocky's whole outfit?

June 5, 2009
argentina: sing me the ways of our love.
the argentine population has got to be one of the finest equipped genetic armies on the planet. who are you people and how are you all so fine? dark hair, beautiful eyes, incredible hair, bodies of wild stallions, silky hair, and passionate lovers. i am thinking of converting to mormonism so that when i relocate to this breeding ground of america´s next top modelos i can take many a juan, frederico, and consuelo to my wedding chamber and make them my eternal gods of sexiness. i love you all.
i can´t even begin to descibe the pleasures of an argentine meal. as a normal faux-vegertarian, i´ve had to abandon my ideals and succumb to the way of the steak. and the chicken. and the pork. and blood sausage. and the ravoli. and the malbec. and the flan. and the dulce de leche. okay, i´ll stop. i´ll see you in 10 pounds, amigos.
while this should fall under the category of men, the countryside is also quite notable. there´s beautiful tree lined streets, horses parading around las pampas, and small creeks running through the cities. i have already purchased two stallions to bring home for my budding polo career in the hamptons.
tiger woods
okay, he´s not here, but i´ve been thinking about him a lot. i know he´d love argentina.
fierce bitches
the women here are fierce as fuck. i am extremely jealous of their powerful green eyes and ana fashion statements. if this is the mountains of argentina, i´m scared to see what buenos aires beholds.
as i enter into the begin at 230 club scene tomorrow, i will keep you posted on how many bottles of wine can be consumed by 8am. chau amores.
June 3, 2009
you wonder why they call you "old world"

normally we are all about brooklyn, but since .5% of us is in argentina (pictures/anecdotes to follow) we're keeping it *~*internashunall*~*
in a matter of hours, polls are going to start opening for european parliament elections. um, anyone know what these people actually do? i guess it's kind of a big deal for the eu/ropeans, but it's a nice breather from political attention on the US, aka they will be the ones putting feet in mouths for a few days.
voting hasn't even begun but the scene is already full of racism, resignations and ruckus. according to the bbc, austrians are "deeply suspicious of the eu", france is worried about a "job free-for-all", the "Celtic Tiger" aka ireland (omg i love that) has taken a battering, and ikea (apparently they're speaking for all of sweden) is giving out tips to politicians on diversity.
if you want to find out where you stand in all of this, check out the eu profiler (obvi i put my region as france).
and if you're spanish, you've got some tough decisions ahead. among the clusterfuck of the usual lameo political parties, there are a few obvious faves: the cannabis party, the pirate party, a bunch in regional languages i cannot pronounce or understad, and my personal favorite, the democratic karma party.
in closing, eu, you may be kinda cool and pretty young, but you'll never have barack's fistbump or michelle's guns (amerika is kool again!), so go suck on some non-pasteurized cheese/fromage/queso/formaggio/queijo/Kase/ser/etc. kthxbai.
June 2, 2009
inspring love stories
1. frog wedding in india to please the rain gods. the lady frog even got a necklace! i recently watched monsoon wedding, and i have to say, it looks like a lot of fun. without the monsoon, where is the wet sari contest?
2. o we can officially get married in that sacred spot in verona where juliet stood on the balcony. kinda makes this seem even more meaningful.
3. dear egypt, you win. a man cut off his member for love. que romantico! he did it in defiance of his parents who wouldn't let him marry some poor chica for love. you show them! i bet they really suffered while you physically cut off your own penis.
June 1, 2009
just another manic monday
May 28, 2009
May 27, 2009
watch out snuggie, there's a new kid in town
well, watch out snuggie/slanket, because summer is coming and there is a new ridiculous amorphous piece of clothing(ish) in town. that's right, wait for it...the WEARABLE TOWEL. we all knew it was coming. face it, who wants to wear a snuggie at the beach in 90 degree heat? $19.95 will get you a red, white or blue (marketing to "patriotic" middle america) wearable towel, worn in tunic style or toga style and a free bag. ohai frat parties.
while it doesn't have the same kind of catchy name (a little effort people), it does have the summer market monopoly, versatility, absorption, and the fact that it can be used as an actual towel laying on the beach for when sheer embarrassment takes over the novelty. and props on riding the snuggie wave.
basically, the wearable blanket beach party is the new snuggie bar crawl. who's with me?
May 26, 2009
the ultimate night chez vous.
- unknown
1.) murder mystery
with the right mix of people, this game will light a fire under your ass. for $30, you purchase a box kit of characters, decoration ideas, and recipes to conduct the perfect themed evening. no one knows who each other is at the beginning, and i'm telling you, after nine bottles of wine no one remembers much by the end (please see photographic evidence above). a guaranteed shit storm, leave anyone you care about at home and come ready to play hard.
2.) never have i ever
they say mo' money, mo' problems, so this is a divine freebie for those awkward turtle moments when you've reached a rough patch with a group. basically, everyone puts up five fingers and gets called out on all the things they've done. while it can be an innocent tale of "i've never skydived" or "i've never had a full beer," the game often turns to what gets hot and heavy between two (or more) folks. and for the record, never have i ever had sex in my parent's bed -- that's just nasty.
3.) apples to apples
a mastermind personality game! more than anything, this is a test of if you can read what makes your opponents tick. at heart, it's a non-traditional card game involving nouns and adjectives. ultimately, it can be riot, but again, you need a good group dynamic. aka anyone overly cynical or outwardly rude can bring the morale to an all time low. but i guess that's true in all situations in life.
4.) twister
this is a perfect game to ease sexual tension. you are allowed to lay on top of and touch body parts of your competitors and it's not considered harassment. note: this is not a good for babysitting when you're with two pre-pubescent boys and wearing a mini-skirt. i do not speak from experience.
May 25, 2009
dia del dia
second of all, happy staycation.
even though we are such world travelers, sometimes staying in nyc for a 3 day weekend is the thing to do. while there were many activities done (see drunk brunch, bronx zoo, free hot dogs, naked cowboy) by far the best day spent was among friends at dia: beacon.
someone (i want to have US with you SF), planned a lovely day taking advantage of the metro north deals up the hudson. $27.50 got you a round trip train ticket, entrance to the museum and endless giggles with friends. there was also sunshine, mozzarella balls and ducklings. not a bad deal considering that money could be spent on a mediocre lunch in the city (which probably wouldnt include lounging on an oversized couch with the "gang" and breaking into nostalgic songs).
oh, and the art was fun. we highly recommend.
to be balanced, the cons:
-a fart smell (although that's just cause someone was gassy- read too many mozzarella balls/cajun mix)
-rexi hipsters from the city with the same idea
-NO PHOTOGRAPHY, DIA HOW DARE YOU? we brought our cameras and were looking fierce and you had so much open space and bright art IT IS A CRIME TO NOT LET US REVEAL THE FULL POTENTIAL OF OUR FIERCENESS FOR THE WORLD TO SEE
photo: maytal + cajun mix + the hudson river + youthbeautylove
May 23, 2009
friday night eating and drinking.
May 22, 2009
queen of queens
The lovely ladiez of *~* have reached out to me, and asked me to contribute to their blog. WHAT an honor. I might have previously said that I was in a rut, or complained to you about something relating to: the subway, my job, construction on my street, how expensive things are (I’m Jewish)…but instead let me focus on something that I hold very dear to my heart (besides *~*, LOL Catz, H&M and Red Mango):
It’s true, Queens is where I rest my hat and the end-o-a-long day. But why live in Queens when there are so many other places I could live (read: BK, BX, Staten Island…am I forgetting something?)?.
1) Cheap
a) rent. That’s right. CHEAPER than BK…and I have my own bathroom!
b) drinks. Top shelf for $5 anyone?
c) food. Still more than anyone else outside of NYC would pay, but still cheaper than anyone else in NYC IS paying.
d) clothes. Tar-get anyone?
e) did you really expect there to be a new thing here? Rent, drinks, food, clothes-what else do you need?!
2) Diversity. Queens County, I heard somewhere…actually…I might have been drunk during that conversation.
3) Royalty. Do I need to explain this?
4) Beer Garden. Astoria had the original beer garden, before Brooklyn had to be all sneaky and get one too (like you don’t already have EVERYTHING Brooklyn. Really. REALLY?!). Well, now we have another one (that’s right, come to Queens and you can double fist beer gardens now…as opposed to just double fisting beers or martinis).
5) Fashion. Oh, don’t be fooled by what you read, or see, or hear…Queens is pretty fashionable. Who do you think gave birth to styles like sweat pants with heels, jeans that are five sizes too small, and track suits with ten pounds of make up? Queens townies, fool!
6) Music. There’s a vibrant music scene in Queens. Not in clubs or anything, but if you walk down the street you’re likely to hear jams coming from monstrously big SUV’s, salsa streaming down from apartment windows, and hot rock from the various pubs that line the blocks. If that’s not a scene, then I don’t know what a scene is!
7) Shopping. Just take a stroll down Steinway St. in Astoria, won’t you? In a three block stretch there are roughly: 20 Payless stores, 1 Claires, 5 Dollar stores, 1 Modells, 1 New York & Company, 1 Express…and that’s just on Steinway street! Queens is so much more than Steinway St.
8) M-E-T-S Mets! Out in Flushing, you know, Citi Field? You might have heard of it…
In conclusion, you know that movie ‘Say Anything’? Well it was based on me and Queens (in particular, that whole ‘holding the stereo above your head thing’).
(if you want to know more about queens, lists and cornify, check out becky's own ramblings here!)
May 21, 2009
featured friend: phil chan
2.) who is your thinspiration? Myself when I was 17.
22.) would you rather have two noses or one eye? Two noses - enhanced sense of smell + depth perception would be a blessing from the Gods.
48.) does the week begin on sunday or monday? Technically, Sunday. Mentally, Sunday. Professionally, Monday.
55.) do you believe in vampires? Energy vampires, emotional vampires, yes.
47.) are you addicted to anything? Yes.
33.) has anyone yelled at you on an airplane? I have received catcalls on an airplane, but I doubt that is what you meant.
62.) if you had to choose three colors to dress in for the rest of your life, what would they be? Black, White, and Blue. Oh wait, those are the only colors I own already.
13.) who is your winspiration? Probably the photo of Brandy Chastain when she won the game, and she is on her knees, covered in mud, making a fierce face.
40.) if you could choose between a hairy back or a hairy chest, which would you choose? Chest. I would could pass as "Mediterranean" as opposed to "Neolithic"
10.) if you had a lot of money, what would you do? Probably the act same thing I am doing now, but with less time spent working and better lighting.
stay tuned for more from phil...
May 20, 2009
the moment we've all been waiting for.
aside from public acts of nautical adoration, living fleet week day-to-day is also the biggest trend coming from the depths of the hudson. to keep the spirit alive all year round, i recommend taking a look at design sponge's "ships ahoy special" with an authentic brooklyn take on how to life your life at sea.
fleet week, we welcome you with open arms!
May 19, 2009
joyeaux anniversaire!
it's the tallest building in *~*paris*~* and totes obvi a huge icon of france (even though some parisiens continue to call it an eyesore).
NEWAYZ to the haters. as one time parisian beauties we used to have many a photo shoot by the tower, with cigarettes, baguettes, and overall fierceness.
le sigh.

there are millions of great pics of it, but in celebration of the birth, here is the baby growing up right before our very eyes.
p.s. dear tower, you share your bday with ho chi minh.
i lined up to see him all pickled in vietnam, i tried to stop but the guards smacked me with a stick, so here is someone else's pic.